When you need a fast, responsive positioning mechanism for semiconductor equipment, inspection instruments or assembly machines, choosing the right one can be difficult. Finding a linear positioning table that exhibits the high accuracy and thrust these applications demand is only the beginning of the selection process. You’ll also need to fit the table into a confined space while making sure it doesn’t produce excessive harmful dust.
To address these challenges, IKO International incorporates two distinct features into its Nano Linear NT Series linear motor tables:
- A high-strength moving magnet. By combining a neodymium magnet and an optical linear scale into a moving table, Nano Linear NT can achieve a high thrust force of up to 70N while achieving accurate positioning.
- Moving magnet and unique positioning of linear-scale sensors. This arrangement eliminates floating cables typically found in linear positioning tables, generating little dust and achieving a high level of cleanliness. This occurs due to the moving magnet system design in addition to the unique positioning of linear scale sensors on the bed.
Features and benefits of the Nano Linear NT Series include:
- Small size. The smallest table in the series measures only 11 mm in sectional height, 38 mm in table width and 62 mm in overall length.
- Sturdy construction. The tables and beds are made from high carbon steel to provide exceptional stability.
- High-speed motion and quick response thanks to high-resolution encoders. A 170-gram table providing 25N thrust can achieve acceleration/deceleration up to 10G.
- Limit direction sensors, which come standard and detect noises and unexpected commands to stop the table when necessary.
- Long-term, maintenance-free operation. The Nano Linear NT Series includes C-Lube linear bearings in most models, for long-term, maintenance-free operation.
High Thrust Force and Accuracy Despite Their Small Size
For applications that require high-precision positioning, a space-saving design and a high level of cleanliness, Nano Linear NT Series positioning tables from IKO International are the wise choice. IKO NT Series linear motor tables are structured with optical linear encoders with resolution as low as 0.01 µm and high positioning repeatability of ±0.1 µm. A combination of parts with precise finishing and assembly also helps to achieve the high running accuracy of 1 µm or less. The result: accurate positioning and peace of mind.
Click here for more information about IKO International’s Nano Linear NT Series direct drive motor positioning tables.